Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Thanking Kuni

One week ago today, I met Kuni through the most random circumstances. What I originally thought would turn out to be a terrible day, actually transformed into a fabulous day. Last Wednesday, I had the opportunity to not only meet a new friend, but also appreciate the kindness of a complete stranger.

So, to return Kuni's favour, I thought it would be appropriate to take him out for drinks. We exchanged emails and decided to meet last night at our closest subway station. His girlfriend, Nao, and his friend, Tatsu (who can speak English as well), also came along. Tatsu is an ER doctor and hopes to go to America someday. When Kuni and I were talking by email, he asked if Tatsu could come along because he's interested in finding an English tutor. They were all thrilled to meet Scott too and Nao (who couldn't speak English), kept saying Scott was handsome. Kuni and Tatsu were the translators for most of the evening and were also trying to teach us some Kansai dialect, which is very different from traditional Japanese. I'm sure it was entertaining for them to hear us speak Japanese slang! They kept telling us that we were "rabu rabu," which basically means hot couple! KAWAII!

The five of us walked to a yakitori (grilled chicken BBQ) restaurant and enjoyed some drinks and laughs before heading back home. We all had a fabulous time and are already planning to meet again in the New Year! Kuni and Tatsu even offered to help us arrange our trip to Tokyo in January!

Can you believe Kuni and Tatsu are 32 years old? They look so young!

Until next time,

Jo & Scott

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